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What is Project Management

13 min read

What is Project management/Project Management introduction? #

Order in any system requires systemic planning to make sure everything moves in perfect order without any problem. For a proper process, the organization must make sure every task, event, and duty is optimized for maximum performance. In the end, they will all need to work together to reach the end goal without going over the deadline. If an organization has a complex set of components, then effective project management is the only way to compile all the aspects of the company to create a well-organized project.

What is project management?

Project management is a system of well-coordinated planning and evaluation that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the project reaches its completion without any delay. It is a well-made strategy that helps the project take through various challenges and difficulties but never hinders the project performance. The success of the project all depends on the planning that goes beforehand. Creating a perfect plan for the project requires years of expertise on this subject and effective management of the team and systems.

The goals of the project and its objectives are set by the client or their stakeholders. It is up to project managers to see the methods they need to create a plan that is effective and problem-solving. The project plan needs to meet all the requirements created by the stakeholder or the client. Each one of the requirements carries a special value for the client, when a project meets all the requirements then it is called a successful project.

A project management methodology requires the project manager to understand what the client or stakeholder wants out of the object. When a project manager understands the vision then they will be able to provide applicable techniques to ensure the end project meets the client’s demand.

Every project goes through various stages before completion. It has a beginning, middle, and end, each one of them playing in making sure the project is indeed heading towards the right path. This kind of navigation for the project requires effective planning and a strategy on every step. Only functioning project management tools will make sure the project reaches its goal before anything. Nowadays it is more crucial for the companies to push the project to its competition zone without going over the deadline. The advancement of technology has allowed the companies to achieve higher success with the project.

The job of the project professionals #

The changes that we see every day in technology and its implementation in various industries have affected the projects and the strategy behind them. The newer technology has allowed us to reach brand new heights without slowing anything down. Companies depend on their project professionals to make sure the work gets done in time without any delay. These project professionals are a group of people who have technical and strategic expertise in managing the project. It is up to them to follow proper project management methodologies to ensure the continuity of the project.

What makes these project professionals stand out is their dedication to finish the project. They are more goal-oriented, passionate, organized, and have a deeper understanding of common and complex aspects of the project and how it needs to proceed. This sort of information is what helps the project to push forward to its end goal. These professionals work together as a team to tackle various challenges and responsibilities of results. They can easily separate the changes that need to happen in the project. As they can see the big picture without letting go of the small details that will be crucial later in the project.

Because there will be problems just like every other environment. The changes will need to happen very quickly before the problem starts spreading to different regions. Some of the problems that will be frequent to see in projects are what we have seen before. If a problem has a track record, then it must have effective solutions that can provide very useful information to suppress the problem in the nick of time. Some project’s problems can be quickly resolved, while others require a deeper understanding of improvement that has been done before.

Here project professionals mix up a variety of skills and knowledge to motivate the team behind the project and guarantee the chance to succeed. It is up to project professionals to seek the challenges and problems with the project and eradicate them properly. The project plan will need to flow smoothly with the help of the project management tools and effective control by the project manager.

Stages of the project #

Effective usage of project management tools takes anything into various steps before taking it to the end zone. These stages or steps play a key role in making sure the project meets all the demands and meets the requirements of the client. It is in the project management office where each of the stages will get set up for the continuation of the project. The stages are what helps the project to be more accurate towards its objective. If any of the steps are skipped over the project will lose its value and slowly move away from its main goal.

Every project plan follows a cycle, and each step of the cycle carries the project forward without slowing it down. This section covers the project management methodologies that a project goes through when it enters the cycle and comes out as a finished material.

●      Initiation #

This is where the study on time and cost gets done about the project. This is where the client or stakeholders and other relevant parties to the project get to meet up and decide the goal and schedule of the project. A form of communication gets made between parties to make sure everything runs in perfect order. In short, this area specifies a project kickoff aspect of the objective.

This process takes place after the bidding stage, where the project manager must develop and examine the business case to see if the project is worth their time. If the project is feasible then the project manager will take the project. Here the stakeholders or client must agree to proceed with the project plan. The project manager then writes a project initiation document (PID) about the business of the business and business case.

●      Planning #

After the initiation, comes the form of planning. Once the project is approved the second step is to properly set up a plan for the project to continue. Planning acts as a proper guide to the project. Here the plan must include every component associated with the project that includes cost, risks, resources, and timeline. WBS or Work Breakdown Structure is a phase that helps the project break down into various activities, milestones, and deliverables. This makes planning much easier for project managers.

There are going to be a lot of problems that will happen during the lifespan of the project. One Of the frequent problems will be cost management. It is rather ready for a project to go through budget mishandling. This kind of mishandling will put the entire project at risk. Without any funds, the project will stay shut for a long time. Project management tools will help the project managers to take adequate steps to make sure to set up a proper budget plan that meets all the scenarios in the project life. If in the case of disaster, then the planning will take steps for the project to continue without stoppage.

●      Execution #

In this phase, the task and milestone will get outlined in the plan so everything will be done to meet the client’s expectations. Everything gets done here to keep the team behind the price moving towards the end goal. This is where the project manager will need to mitigate the risk problems that can come up later in the project’s life.

One of the major important parts of the project is to meet the requirements of the client. One of the requirements of any project is quality. The quality of the project needs to meet the standard set by the project company and the client. The construction needs to move forward in a way where it doesn’t sacrifice the client’s idea on the project. The project manager here will keep track of the quality material and the design that is needed for the project to meet the standard.

●      Monitoring #

A record needs to be maintained to keep track of the developments in the project and the sets back in different situations. Nothing in the project is going to fly well all the time. Sometimes there is going to be a setback that will halt the entire process. This is where mentioning keeps track of the time of the project, the stoppage problems, execution phases, performance of the elements, budgets, quality controls, the design, and many more. Each one of this information will be valuable to the manager to carry out a strong decision to bring stability to the project.

Another critical importance of this phase is the data that will be provided to the client to help them keep track of all the developments. The client or stakeholder needs to know about every development. So, they will be aware of every stage of their project, the monitoring data works as a relationship between the project contractor and the client. Documentation of the project construction and the execution is essential to give proper data and information for the client and the canopy. So additional steps can be taken to lessen the problem and provide a more effective solution to the project.

●     Closing #

The final stage of the project is the closing, this is where the resources will get released, and the documentation process will be completed. And the project manager will conduct a postmortem of the project to learn different lessons behind them. There are always things that put the project in jeopardy. Most of the time the problems will be old but sometimes there is going to be a new challenge that goes out of the plan or any sort of speculation done before. If new challenges are faced, then the postmortem job will provide more unique details of the problems so in the future it will get handled well without any issues.

These are the processes a project goes through to meet the end goal. All of them are valuable to the project and its maximum efficiency. The vital role of each step is what makes the project more effective and less likely to get involved in any sort of mistake or problem. Each process you see above provides a sense of direction for the entire project and every competent person attached to it. The direction provides the project stability they need to move up the stages.

Project Knowledge areas #

There Are several requirements of the project that need to be met for the project to run without getting involved in incidents. The smoother flow of the project relies on the success of every other component related to the project. There are tend knowledge areas that an organization used to make sure the project goes through its running process without any restriction or limitation popping up in the timeline. Here is the list of knowledge areas related to project management.

Project Integration Management #

Integrating various components into the project will keep control of all the activities, resources, costs, suppliers, customers, and risks of the project. Having control over these things will make things flow more smoothly in the organization. This section will cover the major aspect of the project integration.

Project Scope mange #

Here the work related to the project completion gets taken into accounting. Completion of the project requires the detailing of the work.

Project Schedule Management #

In this section, the process that is integral to the completion of the project gets handled

Project Cost Management #

The financial details of the project that includes planning, estimating, budgeting, financing, managing, controlling the costs related to the project will be considered.

Project Quality Management #

The project will need to maintain a standard set by the client behind the project. Every step of the project operation that includes planning, managing, controlling, and cost will need to meet its quality requirements.

Project Resource Management #

Here the process of identification, acquiring, and management of the resources gets done to finish the project to the completion stage.

Project Communication management #

The environment of teamwork will make the work and the operation related to the work more effective. For that to happen, the communication between the members and other groups related to the project will need to be stable. In nearly every step of the project, communication will play a key role in the succession of the project.

Project Risk Management #

Here the risk of planning, identification, analysis, response planning, response implementation, and monitoring of the project will get handled. This will result in setting up the correct plan to handle the project carefully throughout its timeline.

Project Procurement management #

This process includes the purchase of products, services, and results related to the project plan. Sometimes it covers the outer part of the project.

Project Stakeholder Management #

This section covers the identification of the groups, people, organizations that can impact and be impacted by the project. Here the analysis of the stakeholder expectation and their impact on the project also gets considered to develop strategies that engage the stakeholders in the project’s decision.

All of them play a key role in making sure the project has everything it always needs. So, it would not have to face any problem in its running process. All the steps ensure the safety of the project towards its completion stage.

Summary #

For a project to be successful, it needs to go through a proper procedure. The procedure is what will give the project the direction and the guidelines it needs in difficult times. Every project gets faced with multiple challenges that stop the entire project for a temporary period. Even with all the speculation and prediction, some of the events cannot be thought of. An effective project management team will seek into these problems and create a plan that puts the project in the safety region from the unidentified problems.

The success of the project solely depends on the control of the project management team. Each team member must communicate with each other regularly for a better understanding of the members. The project managers listen to different sets of ideas to create a prepared plan that takes the concerns of every member of the team. This sense of relationship will be an integral component that makes the project management teams. Each team member needs to feel they are being heard, and then it is the job of the project manager to make sure the project runs smoothly while every member feels essential to the project.

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